Hiring a trailer is a cost-effective alternative to hiring a ute or truck. Whatever the reason for hiring a trailer, there are a few things that you need to consider.
Five Star Car Rentals in Brisbane have compiled a list of things you will need to keep in mind when hiring a trailer.
Tow Bar/ball
This might seem like an obvious one for when you hire a trailer, but does your car or ute have a tow ball? Without a tow ball you won’t be able to attach the trailer to your car.
Are you confident to drive a hire trailer? Whilst driving with a trailer might look easy, it can be a little tricky. The trailer isn’t as manoeuvrable as it might seem, and it can almost be a little disjointed, the driving process isn’t as seamless when a hire trailer you’ve never driven with before is thrown into the equation.
Bear in mind that you are adding significant weight to your vehicle, whether the hire tailor is empty or full you will need to consider your stopping distances. A heavier vehicle will need a much longer stopping distance; before picking up speed, test drive your load to ensure you are aware of the changes in driving conditions once the hire trailer is attached.
Don’t stop too suddenly, the trailer will work perfectly if driven correctly, but a sharp slam on the brakes could lead to the hire trailer jack-knifing into your vehicle.
Reversing your hire trailer
This is a funny skill to master but reversing with a hire trailer, or any trailer can be difficult. You willv point left, and the trailer goes right, and there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to how the hire trailer is manoeuvring, but with a bit of patience you’ll be a reverse park pro in no time.
Allow yourself additional time to master the art of reversing your hire trailer, and with a little perseverance you will have mastered in no time.
Trailer hire size
Hire trailers come in a range of shapes and sizes; at Five Star Car Rentals we carry a range of open and enclosed trailer hires, in a variety of sizes. Ensure that the trailer you are hiring is fit for the purpose. There is no point hiring an enclosed trailer if you won’t be able to fit everything in it or hiring an open trailer on a rainy day when you need to keep the contents dry.
Not sure what to do? Talk to the team at Five Star Car Rentals and we will help ‘steer’ you in the right direction.
Trailer hire in Brisbane
Allow yourself some time to practice driving with the hire trailer, and the team at Five Star Car Rentals will be happy to give you some friendly pointers.
When you need a trailer hire in Brisbane talk to the team at Five Star Car Rentals, we’re more than just hire cars. We have a range of trailers for hire to suit your needs.